
Monday, November 26, 2012

Finally. Or Who Knew Buying Blind Brackets Could be so Hard

That's right. It took way longer than expected but I finally put up the blinds in our bedroom. Who knew such a little thing could take so freaking long to get done. 

I'm pretty sure they've been down since before I gave birth. I was so excited I took a picture and sent it to my mom. If she wasn't as obsessed with house stuff as I am she would think I'm nuts.

I tried to cross this one off the list the very first day of my Projects rampage. I stopped into Home Depot over lunch the very next day. They didn't carry the fancy smancy bracket I needed for my pleated blinds. The guy I talked to suggested I find out the brand of the blinds and contact them. Good thinking, right?

I went home and looked at the blinds that night. They didn't list a brand, but they did have a sticker that said "" The site automatically forwards you to I think they bought out decorate today or maybe they just changed their name. I don't really know. I tried searching for replacement parts on the website. After a while I gave up and just called them.

Guess what the lovely woman who answered my call told me?

They don't sell replacement parts.They have the parts and they will send them to you if your order was missing them or they broke, but you can't just give them money in exchange for them if the blinds came with your house.


She did give me the names of a couple of websites I could try. If you end up in this situation just go to

That was on October 15th. All I had to do was figure out which bracket was the one I needed and order it.

It only took me 33 days to measure the brackets I had. I placed the order on November 17th and they came in the mail while we were in Denver for Thanksgiving. I installed them first thing Saturday morning. 

Rehang blinds: check!

1. Buy a bracket and rehang the blinds in the bedroom
2. Plant the mum by friend Nancy gave me
3. Write something on my DIY Chalkboard
4. Finish my fall mantel
5. Take Norie's four month pictures before she's five months old
6. Finish the wedding plate wall art
7. Make some bunting for my office
8. Build a pallet bar/wall art to cover up the attic fan switch
9. Make a DIY ribbon chandelier for Norie's room
10. Do something with the shutters my aunt got me last year
11. Put the label plates back on the enormous drawer thing and label the drawers
12. Finish the wall art I started for the Song print I got for donating to Love Without Boundaries
13. Finish my desk
14. Finish the table scape for Campbell Family Thanksgiving 2012
15. Hang the awesome owl latch hook my sister gave me at Norie's baby shower
16. Clean up the porch
17. Finish the October page in my pregnancy scrapbook (yes, that would be last October)
18. Fix the leg on the coffee table and finish repainting it
19. Sell the coffee and end tables
20. Make a coffee table
21. Create a gift wrapping/gift wrap organizing space
22. Start working on fun holiday decorations
23. Finish the other Dream Dollhouse from last year's Make Two Challenge
24. Make some DIY cake stands from wedding plates and candlesticks.
25. Make map mats for vacation photos

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