
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Dream Dollhouse I made from free plans: more evidence that I'm AWESOME!

Remember the Dream Dollhouse(s) I blogged about building and that Make Two Challenge I took on? Well, I didn't quite complete the Make Two Challenge part before Christmas. Or before New Years. Or even before Valentine's. I think I've got a really good chance of finishing before St. Patrick's Day. The second one didn't take nearly as long to build. In fact, I already had the pieces cut and it only took an afternoon to put together. It's just been sitting on my porch waiting to be filled and sanded for months. I finally have it filled so just as soon as I get up the gumption to sand it I'll be ready to start finishing. Amazing how the lack of "Christmas is coming" PANIC makes things take a lot longer, huh?

I thought it might be motivational to post a couple of pictures my awesome sister-in-law sent me of the one I actually finished and gave to my nieces for Christmas.  Isn't it cute?

Recognize any of that scrapbook paper? Yep, I picked the same animal theme print for my pregnancy scrapbook.

I'm pretty sure she thinks it's awesome. I think she's pretty awesome too. :)


  1. It's beautiful!!! You are so very talented. Any little girl would love this doll house.

  2. I actually need to find a little girl who needs one. Or a place with a group of little girls. The challenge was to make one to give away to someone who needs it as well as one for a gift. I was tempted to keep it when I found out I'm having a girl, but I'm sticking to the plan and I'll make her one in a couple of years if she wants one then.
