
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I'm Me and I'm Awesome

You may have noticed that I read a certain number of blogs on an almost daily basis. (If you've missed out on this you can find them a little ways down the page on your right.) I say almost because I don't have a super, set in stone time dedicated to reading them and sometimes I don't get around to reading them for a couple of days. Sometimes I'm busy and other things are higher priority and other times I save them to read later. I like to wait until I can focus on posts if they seem especially interesting or pertinent. That's what happened with this post from Miss Mustard Seed. She wrote it three whole days before I read it.

It's about the secret to writing a great blog.

I've been working on improving my blog lately so I thought I should save it for a moment when I could really focus and glean some of her wisdom on the topic. She writes a great blog and I value her advice. You know, so I could take notes and incorporate her tips into my future posts so I can be great someday too.

Turns out I'm the secret. Me.The whole thing that makes this here blog interesting is that I write it (at least that's the theory). And I think she might be right. At least that's the part people tell me they find most entertaining about it. They like that I post about all kinds of random stuff that keeps it from being a niche blog. They like that I write exactly the way I talk. They like that if they read it with my voice in their head it makes them laugh out loud even when they shouldn't because they're reading it at work. One even told me I should write a book about pregnancy and becoming a parent because he and his wife own a ton and none of them are as entertaining as listening to me talk about it.

So why have I been stressing out about making my blog fit some sort of mold I assume is more attractive to random readers?

Good freaking question.

Don't get me wrong; I do want to increase my readership and I will be actively working to make that happen, but I'm going to focus a lot more on writing posts that make me smile because I'm awesome and things that make me smile are awesome too.

That's really all I've got for today. I think I'll head over to Miss Mustard Seed's Facebook Page and join the "I'm me and I'm awesome" club. Then maybe I'll make myself some wall art in case I need a reminder.

Source: via Amber on Pinterest

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