
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Infographic Wednesday: Free Birth Control!!

It doesn't have the ring of Infographic Friday, does it?

I could have waited until Friday, but then you could miss out on two whole days of knowledge for no good reason. This is really important stuff. In addition to fully covering birth control, a whole bunch of other important things are now covered too, like pap smears. You shouldn't have to get a pap smear AND pay a co-pay for it too. Now you don't. I have a related story, but that's way TMI.

I'm also pretty excited about the changes to the Fair Labor Standards Act. Did you know that your employer is required to provide you with space and time to pump at work if they have more than 50 employees? They do.And it can't be in a bathroom. Here's to not having to pump while listening to other people pee. I wonder if that has anything to do with the decision to post this story in K-State Today. It's about the new lactation stations on K-State's campus. In case you're curious, they are really, really close to being, but I guess not technically "in" bathrooms. At least they have outlets and chairs (a new development in some locations).

Tell your friends.

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