
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Thank you!

I started this post last month, but never finished it.

Whoops. I left the edits I made for your amusement.

I've been meaning to finish up the Thank Yous from our baby shower for over a month almost three months. When people tell you to finish them before the baby is born they're right. The chances of doing anything productive on any given day drops dramatically when you have a newborn baby.

I've been plugging away at them, but I still haven't quite finished. Austin thinks we should go ahead and put the birth announcements in with them at this point. He's got a point. That adds a step though. I feel pretty good about my chances today, but Norie is having a growth spurt and my life is a giant cluster feed so who knows if that means anything. (That was a month ago so I guess it means I didn't get them done.)

She's asleep at the moment though so I thought I'd take the opportunity to say thanks here on my blog. Thanks to everyone who came and to my amazing sister and sister-in-law for throwing us an awesome party and to everyone for the fabulous stuff you gave us. Your handwritten and thoughtful thank you card will arrive some day soon. For those of you who weren't here in person, I assure you it was super cute and vintage-y.

And we got lots of cool presents like this onesie.

And really touching ones like Austin's baby book.

 Apparently Austin was touched and thirsty.

Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks and I really do intend to get those thank yous out before Norie is in elementary school.

1 comment:

  1. Our thank you cards didn't go out until Harper was almost 3 months old...and the last shower we had was a full month before she was born. I also ended up putting the birth announcements in ours. Kill two birds with one stone!
