
Friday, January 13, 2012

I'm offcially obsessed with Katie Daisy

If you've been following me on Pinterest or checked got my Christmas Wishlist you may have noticed that I have a new found passion: the artwork of the amazingly talented Miss Katie Daisy. Feel free to click over to her website right now. I'll understand.

Ashley Ann over at Under the Sycamore found her for me. She is the artist behind that background pattern I loved so much AND the Under the Sycamore logo.

Two things happened today that pushed me over the edge into straight up obsession.

First, I noticed this pin from Katie (Yes, I follow her on Pinterest and have pinned several of her pieces. That's not stalking. She has excellent taste and her artwork deserves pinning. However, she doesn't know me from Adam and might disagree.)

I haven't been this excited about a phone case since Ashley Ann posted about the one she custom designed for herself.

Guess what pattern you can put on one of those iPhone cases?

The former background of Under the Sycamore I obsessed about so much. Here's a screen shot of the one I customized. You know you want one.

And that's only the first half of Katie's awesomeness for today.

I also realized that this print she has listed on etsy is the inspiration for the nursery.

The text has a ton of sentimental meaning and it brings all the colors I want together. And it has little blue giraffes! (If you've gotten a baby present from me in the last 5 years that might sound familiar). I'm not sure why it took me so long to realize it. I added the print to the baby registry the very first day. Don't buy it for me though. I'm going to go ahead and order it now so I have it while I'm planning the rest of the room.

Katie Daisy clearly rocks out and she has a bunch of sites. Check her out on her website, blog, Facebook, Etsy, Flickr, and Pinterest.

Disclaimer: I do not know Katie Daisy in any way. She does not know I write an entire post obsessing about her art. Hopefully, she's okay with that.

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