
Thursday, January 12, 2012

I have announcements!

First, the one you're probably expecting since I told you last week we would find out yesterday.

I stand corrected; It's a GIRL!

No, I'm not posting a picture with an arrow pointing at her vulva, you perv. If you really want to see it volunteer to change her diapers. Otherwise, assume it looks like all the other ones you see on facebook. She is pretty cute though even if the picture is a little extra fuzzy. She had the hiccups the whole time.

Clearly, that's the biggest news of the day. My mother and brother-in-law were right. I don't think they actually won anything though. Really should have sorted out some stakes. How am I supposed to get a cut if there aren't any stakes?

Second, I'm starting a book club. I'm the only member at the moment so I don't have a lot of details, but comment below if you'd like to join me in reading a book at some regular interval and talking about them. I vote Farm City by Novella Carpenter as the first book.

I've owned it for a while, but I haven't gotten around to reading it even though I really want to. It's described as
An unforgettably charming memoir, Farm City is full of hilarious moments, fascinating farmer's tips, and a great deal of heart. When Novella Carpenter-captivated by the idea of backyard self-sufficiency- moved to inner city Oakland and discovered a weed-choked, garbage- strewn abandoned lot next door to her house, she closed her eyes and pictured heirloom tomatoes and a chicken coop. The story of how her urban farm grew from a few chickens to one populated with turkeys, geese, rabbits, ducks, and two three-hundred-pound pigs will capture the imagination of anyone who has ever considered leaving the city behind for a more natural lifestyle.
 It was also written by a woman who lives near my friend Catherine. Let me know if you're interested in joining me and we'll pick a date to talk about the book. I might even let you help pick the next one.

1 comment:

  1. Love the book club idea. Count me in! And CONGRATULATIONS!!!
