
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Valentine's Day Decorating: Retro Inspiration and Health Department Wisdom

Yeah, I know. Valentine's Day was last week. It's my blog and I'm posting about it today. There are still hearts up all over Norie's day care so I think it's okay.

Way back in December I got all inspired when I saw this image on Pinterest and I thought I could actually make something happen by Valentine's Day.

Source: Design Sponge - Beyond the Big Day Valentine's Decorating

That should be totally doable, right? I mean it's a bunch of stuff clothespinned to some twine and a couple of red chairs. I had been looking for a cute way to display the fabulous retro valentine's decor I squirreled away from my grandparents' house. I also had a very strong desire to randomly paint something bright red.

Did I get it done?

Nope; sure didn't. But guess what little tiny thing I did do?

I hung up some of my favorite valentines on the mini clip board wall I've also been meaning to post about. I got the clip boards when someone in my office cleared out a storage space and was giving them away and hung them up one Saturday afternoon in a burst of energy. I hear you can buy little ones in the frame section at Target if you're interested. 

That's it.

That's all I did.

It was really fun to go through old cards to pick out some valentines (I'm not the only one who keeps every card they get and stores them in boxes for decades, right?). I found some entertaining stuff including a copy of this brochure with a lovely Valentine's Day message from a high school friend.

I probably should have included it in my clip board wall art, but I had already finished it when I found this gem and it didn't go so well with the mostly pink theme I was rocking.

I have big dreams of decorating for holidays so Norie can have happy little memories of stuff like that. Good thing she doesn't really have much experiential memory yet. Maybe next year.

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