
Friday, January 11, 2013

Years that Answer

Every year I get excited about reading Simple Abundance all over again. I've probably read it ten times although I'm not sure I've ever actually read it as intended, one day at a time for an entire year. Every day has a quote and the one for January 1st (note how it's totally not the 1st of January, or even the 2nd) was "There are years that ask questions and years that answer." I get the feeling this is going to be an answer year. I'm not sure what the questions are, but I'm sure I'll figure that out when the answers appear. Or maybe that's the whole thing; this will be a year where I figure out the questions.

I don't normally ask the questions, especially when the question I want need to ask is,"Please, for the love of God, will you help me?" I'm really bad at asking for help. I tend to flounder around trying to do everything without actually asking for help.

What's that about?

I have no idea. Maybe I expect people to see my need and offer? Maybe I have some subconscious thing about asking? I don't really know, but I know it's something I'm going to work on. I'm working on being more direct in general.

That was a pause for laughter if you know me personally and know I can be a little too direct from time to time. I can be, but I'm not always. Seriously sometimes I just don't say stuff.

I'm getting better at calling myself on it though which led to this little quip a couple of weeks ago.

If you don't say what you think 
you rarely get what you want.

In my case I think saying what you think generally means asking for what you need and/or want. I'm working on doing that more in my personal relationships, but I'm also working on it with the Universe and I'm in a junking/craigslisting/garage saling mood.

So Universe, will you help me find these things?
  • 8'x10 '(roughly) light color rug for the media room
  • High chair - something cute and vintage looking, but with all the safety stuff needed to keep my little bug in it
  • A set of old steel knives with wood handles - I want to washi tape them and display them from the knife magnet I'm getting for my birthday as part of my Flea Market Rainbow Polka Dot Farmhouse Style
  • Vintage quilts - because they are amazing and it's impossible to have too many
  • Drum shades that are 14 inches in diameter and about 12 inches tall for my birthday lamps
  • A microfiber sectional - Austin wants one the same color we have. I'd be okay with a slightly lighter option.
  • A big Christmas star like my grandparents had on their house with the retro huge bulbs

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