
Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Stocking

It's not even 8pm and I'm so sick and tired I want to crawl into bed. Luckily for you I'm on this crusade to post each weekday and I've got a streak going.

Luckily for me I drafted this last week, but never got it posted.

You know how people talk about buyer's remorse, that let down feeling you get after you buy something and wish you hadn't? I get nonbuyer's remorse. I don't buy something and then when I no longer have the option of buying it I obsess about how it is the one perfect thing and I can't have it now because I didn't buy it when I have the opportunity. Such is the life of a thrifty gal like me sometimes. It happens, not often, but it does.

Like this aqua eyelet shirt I saw in Target like six years ago. I didn't want to pay full price, but it reminded me of my grandmother and made me super happy so I waited for it to go on clearance. At some point I realized they weren't there any more and I didn't have one. Bummer. I still remember it years later.

This season it's The Stocking.

I came to the realization that what I thought was my style wasn't my style at all and what actually made me happy was totally different. (If you missed it, you can read all about that here.)

And then I saw this mantel Tiffini made.

See those stockings. Just what I want. Only I want mine in green because, well green in my favorite color. I saw this one the very same day I first saw Tiffani's  mantel and pinned it.

I pinned it. I didn't buy it. I pinned it. You know, so I can keep a picture of it to taunt me when it's out of stock.

Yeah, pretty much.

So if in your wanderings you happen to notice a stocking or three that looks like this one in a thrift shop or something buy it and I'll pay you back, promise.

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