
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Nursery Updates: New Wall Art and a Goodwill Chair

Early last week I had big plans of finishing off some projects and posting about them. It didn't happen, but it's a new year and I'm starting fresh by actually posting.

Along with a number of other little projects (Miss Norie pretty well ruled out any major projects) I put up some new wall art I got from my sister for Christmas in the nursery.

I sent my sister this picture of it while Norie was napping and the lights were off. It's the best I've got of the room at the moment since my camera battery is dead. I'll post a better one along with the long delayed name art tutorial.

It is absolutely perfect in every way. I love how its all shiny and pink and aqua and the little poem on it makes me cry.

I read it every night while I'm putting Norie to bed. .


I also found the perfect chair for nursing in the middle of the night at Goodwill for $6.99.

I was ecstatic.

The people in the store thought I was nuts.

Austin asked why I didn't just keep the pair I had in college that looked just like it only in green and swiveled.

Where exactly does he think I would put a pair?

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