
Thursday, January 24, 2013

German Jello Salad Building Workshop

My building projects are by far the most popular posts on this blog.  Several of you have mentioned to me in comments or in person lately how they'd really like to build things too, but...

The part after the but depends on the person, but generally boils down to a lack of power tools, building space, or experience. Building something using power tools can be really intimidating if you've never done it before and buying the tools you need to build a project significantly increases the cost especially if you aren't sure you'll ever use them again.

A little over two years ago I posted about this dining room table I built using plans from Ana White

When I posted it on Ana's site I titled it "My first building project ever." I should have called it "My first independent building project ever." I had the confidence to take on an enormous piece of furniture as my first project because I had built things with my dad for as long as I can remember.

I've built several things since then and yes, my Building Projects page is on my list of things to work on this year. None of them ever intimidated me. Not because I'm some awesome natural born builder person. Because I had done it before with someone who knew what they were doing.

So here's what I'm thinking. What if I had a building workshop?  I would supply tools and know-how and a heated shop space.and you could build something to help familiarize yourself with the basics of woodworking and get your first confidence boosting project under your [tool]belt. If you're interested leave a comment and let me know. I'm thinking a couple hours on a Saturday and maybe a kid  project since many of my would be builders are moms, but I'm open to whatever you want to do.   

1 comment:

  1. I'd love it! I'd also enjoy if you taught homemade milk painting. Count me in!
