
Monday, January 28, 2013

A pin has changed my life.

A blogger I follow on Pinterest pinned this image from Grumbles and Grunts last week.

It has changed my life.

The post rocked my socks off and introduced me to snapseed. I know you've been using it for months, but I haven't and I'm excited beyond reason. The image quality around here is about to take a major step forward, especially on days when the best I can do it snap a picture on my phone between other stuff.

I may even go back and replace some of the images from previous posts with better ones.  Like this one from a post on DIY Chalk Paint.

See how much better it is now that it's not all icky yellow? I know I could do this on my computer in any one of hundreds of photo editing programs, but I didn't before I posted it. (I'm not really sure why. The rush of excitement about homemade chalk paint I'm sure.) I did it on my phone months later. That kind of rocked my world.

So that's the photo editing part. Then there is the awesome new blog part. Jamie, the author of Grumbles and Grunts is Self described as crunchy, nerdy, foul-mouthed mother. Yes, please.

Fair warning: She's not shitting when she says she swears a lot.

Happy Monday :)

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