
Thursday, September 13, 2012

It's Happening...To Me

I've seen a lot of posts lately from my favorite bloggers about how the dreams they thought were so out of reach they didn't even want to verbalize them are coming true.

Ana never thought she would author a whole book of plans, but she has one due out on October 9th and for sale on Amazon. It's on my wishlist by the way.


Marian never thought she'd have her own line of paint, it was her pie-in-the-sky dream, but Miss Mustard Seed's Milk Paint is for sale online and in over 80 retailers in the U.S. and abroad.

Source: Miss Mustard Seed,
So what is this dream that's starting to come true for me? My dream was to be a work at home mom who created and painted furniture and taught other women how to build stuff. A little niche maybe, but that's what's great about dreams. That's my dream job. Well, that and teaching traditional skills like canning and cheese making. I'll get there someday, but for right now I'm super excited to have my first building student.

How did this happen?

I saw this project from Remodelaholic on Pinterest and repinned it. (I'm amberhibbs in case you want to follow me. You can also just click the button near the top right of the page)

And this morning I had a comment from a friend of mine asking if I would help her build one. An extended facebook message conversation ensued and this weekend she'll be my very first woodworking student. I can't wait.


  1. How cool! I am always thinking about how I can turn something I love into the thing I do all the time! I don't think I can wait for retirement...but I might! lol

  2. I am saving this post, and I will read it every time I forget why I blog, and every time I allow doubt to creep in. I am so very happy for you, here is to never giving up!

    xoxo, Tanya

  3. The best part of blogging is "meeting" other people who do. You both rock. :)
