
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I Love Research

Last week a friend told my mom she should consider marketing her work at a place called Good Juju in Kansas City. Neither of us had ever been, so we decided a research trip was in order.

First thing Saturday morning my mom and I loaded up Norie and headed to KC for a second hand shopping adventure. After we got there we found out that Good Juju is in an area of KC called the West Bottoms and there is an entire district of antique/vintage/awesome stores there. Almost all the stores are only open on the first weekend of the month and it's an event with vendors outside and the whole deal.

It was over 100 outside Saturday and definitely in the 90s in most of the stores. We spent a good deal of our time spritzing Norie with cold water and standing in front of fans to keep her cool, but we were about to make it to four of them before deciding it was time Mexican food and air conditioning.

I got way too distracted shopping and trying to keep Norie's body temperature below 100 to take many photos, but I did document my two favorite pieces. Apologies for the blurriness. Taking a picture with your phone while holding a wet baby is harder than you might think.

I love this couch. I have no desire to own it. It's not really my style and I'm positive Austin would kill me if I brought something like it home, but you can bet I would purchase it in a heartbeat if I was a professional photographer and wanted an interesting piece of furniture.

I was also a huge fan of this "Lamp of Awesomeness." I'm not making that up. It's what the tag said. From a distance it looked like it was made of old mattress springs or something. It was actually some fiber I couldn't identify, but was much lighter than I expected. Love.

I think we'll go back in September or October when it's a little cooler outside to check out the rest of the shops.

1 comment:

  1. Love that sofa! Sounds like an awesome place to browse forever...and trying to take a picture on your phone while holding baby isn't easy! They don't make them to do with one hand!
