
Monday, June 11, 2012

10k Training: Day 1

My husband works for a brewery (sure does) and that brewery cosponsors a 10k road race every year on the first weekend in August. Why they chose August and not some cooler month like April or October I'm not really sure, but it's tradition now so I don't see it changing anytime in the near future.

It's called the Brew 2 Shoe because you run from the brewery to the Manhattan Running Company. Every year they donate the proceeds to a different cause and I'm told it's generally a good time. I've been wanting to train for and run this race for at least the last couple of years, but so far I haven't even attended as a spectator. I meant to way back when I was training for that family half marathon (that no one ended up running) back in 2010 and again last year. I've just never quite been able to get myself to train in the heat of summer.

I've decided this summer will be different. I'm on maternity leave for basically the first half of my training program which hopefully will mean I have some time to run (feel free to laugh out loud at this idea). At the very least I'm determined to try. I don't have super high expectations. I haven't gone for a single run since I got pregnant last August so I'm probably more out of shape than I have ever been in my entire adult life. My goal is to finish. I don't even care if I can run the whole thing. I mean I would like to be able to job the whole thing, but I'm not proud at this point. Finishing is good enough for me.

I start the Hal Higdon Novice 10k training program today so wish me luck.

Oh, and if anyone lives in the area and wants to train with me let me know. :)

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