
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

My Life's Calling

Last night I went over to my aunt and uncle's house to check out a couple of items my aunt thought I might want before she hauled them off on free dump day. One of them was a roll top desk. Ever since I haven't been able to stop thinking about it.

Before you get all disgruntled about my obsession with painting wood it's not a roll top desk.

It's a roll top desk.

It's in dire need of a makeover. You can see how this one turned out at The Olde Farmhouse on Windmill Hill.
I did a little google image searching and found this one from European Paint Finishes which I LOVE. (I'm sure you can guess why.)

I have a fabulous plan and if I had time to get it done I would try to sneak it into a friend's Tulip Festival booth for sale in a couple of weeks.

That's right. I'm obsessing about a piece of furniture I don't even intend to keep. I just want to paint and sell it. That's where we get to the life's calling part of this whole story.

I was born to make ugly things pretty. Mostly wood things and mostly by painting them.

It took me a while to figure this out, but its totally true and I'm just going to go with it and try to work it to the fullest by actually finishing projects so that I can move on and spread more joy and attractive furniture. Not to worry babe. I'm finishing up my current projects first. I promise.

On another note. Apparently Pier 1 Imports in following me on Pinterest. I'm sure this is social marketing/research, but I'm going to tell myself it's because I have such fabulous taste they want to know what I think since I always want things 6 months before they come out in stores.


  1. Replies
    1. Totally. If some miracle occurs and I finish all my other projects can I sneak some stuff in your booth?

  2. Amber, I love the desk, redo. I really need to find a place I can work on my things! Paint is calling my name!

    1. You do. And the three of us need to get together. It would be super fun. :)
