
Monday, February 20, 2012

Vintage Owls: My new obsession

I blame my friend Jen for this. Or credit her or whatever. Or maybe it's HootSuite's fault. I'm not really sure what caused this new obsession, but I seem to have this thing for adorable vintage owls lately. They've been popping up everywhere.

Like everywhere I go.

So much that I think it might not be me being obsessed with owls. Maybe they are obsessed with me and that's why they show up wherever I am.

You remember this adorable little guy.

He's just the tip of the iceberg.

Even before him I found this one while searching for inspiration for items form my Etxy shop.

My friend Rachel claimed this little dresser for me.

Check out those little Owl decals.

A couple of weeks ago, I saw this crazy adorable owl showed up on Etsy's facebook feed.

Friday, I went for my weekly speed thrift to the ReStore over lunch. It was a bit of a bust and i ended up on Target and found this. So cute! (I promise I won't buy it this time, Sallie.)

And then yesterday I found a piece of latch hook my grandfather made. It reminded me of an awesome owl one my sister has. It looks kind of like this one from Etsy.

I'm super jealous. If only I had known I would develop this obsession when we picked them. I'm thinking about finding one for the nursery.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE owls (all birds for that matter but oh owls)!!! I actually decorated our 2 year old's room in the Target Owl collection. And I just bought a planet wise wet diaper bag (we're switching to cloth) with the owl pattern for our 6 month old. Oh and I just found an owl candle on clearance at Target a week ago...anyway, I totally second your owl love and really like the turquoise/aqua one you've got on here.
