
Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Gardener's Dilemma

When we first looked at The Parsonage I was more than a little excited about the asparagus patch in the vegetable garden. The idea of a pre-established patch was more than I had ever really hoped to find in a house.

Feel free to question the logic.

I really like asparagus.

When I went to plan my garden for the summer, it registered for the first time that said asparagus patch is in the northeast corner of the garden.

For those of you not familiar with how the sun works in the Northern Hemisphere or garden planning strategy, it's generally considered to be a good place to put tall things (like sweet corn or trellised beans and squash) since there they won't block the light from other parts of the garden.

I would really like to have a rotation of such tall things in that general area of my garden and I also would like to not shade the asparagus.

So here I am wanting to move a somewhat established patch of asparagus. I say somewhat because it turns out it's not so established.

It takes several years to become well established enough to produce a significant number of stalks that can be harvested without risking the future productivity of the plant. I'm pushing that back even further if I move them and causing potential damage to the roots.

If I put in a brand new bed I'm starting from scratch.

If I leave them where they're at my whole sun shader rotation will be wonky.

What is a girl to do?


  1. Well, I know that you will come up with a brilliant solution. This girl would just go to the grocery store or the farmer's market when she felt like eating asparagus.

  2. Plant new roots on the south end of the garden and harvest the northern ones with adandon. By the time you kill off the north side the south side will be somewhat established. It's very difficult to move established plants.
