
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Did I mention I got new chairs too?

The last major item in the dining room overhaul was the addition of a fabulous set of chairs.

My mom found them on craigslist in a town a mere 2 1/2 hour drive from my house. The chairs were on the way to The Parsonage from my parent's house, but I decided I needed the stuff I was still keeping at their place more than chairs. I mean, do you really need dining chairs to host Thanksgiving?

Yeah. You do.

So my parents loaded up their vehicle, drove all the way to my house (a five hour drive) and the next day drove another five hour round trip to pick up chairs.

Ask my mom about the process of haggling for these guys. It's a good story. I don't know how much she paid, but they had to have spent at least $40 in gas to pick them up. They were our housewarming gift.

Just ignore the dining room overhaul chaos in the background and how red the first coat of stain on the table looked. This post is about the chairs and all that other craziness has been dealt with.

My dear mother removed every last bit of plastic and upholstery from all eight chairs (nine if you include the straggler. I didn't get a picture of it before it was recovered) and suffered a few staple injuries as a result. She recovered them complete with new foam and batting and a wonderful floral print I found on clearance.

While she was at it I painted the pale ones with some Heirloom White spray paint. We left the dark wood ones alone since they matched the color the table would be. Yes, I had that much faith in my mom's staining abilities.

I was right.

That's the straggler in the background. He moved up to the guest bedroom after Thanksgiving was over.

Nice gift, huh? My mom has a ton of talent and can always see the potential in a good piece of furniture.

And with that, I think I have officially upheld my promise to cover the dining room overhaul. Let me know if I missed anything.

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