
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

When did that happen?

I turned 28 yesterday. I had big plans about finishing up old projects and starting the 28th year of my life fresh and free from old, nagging to-dos including posting about my Thanksgiving dining room makeover.

That didn't happen. I got sick. On my birthday. Sniffling, sneezing, achy sick. I still did exactly what I wanted to do all day (it was my birthday), but that meant sleeping for the vast majority of it. I feel a little better today, but today is not my birthday and I have stuff to do so I'm accomplishing things with the help of daytime cold and flu medication.

Before I get to the seriously responsibilities I wanted to show you how well the dining room turned out. Thanks to my parents arriving the Saturday before we were able to get it all done for dinner. I'll post about the individual projects over the next couple of days. I promise. For now, check out well we did. And just ignore that Christmas tree in the background. I didn't get around to taking photos until after everyone left.