
Friday, October 1, 2010

That academic part.

You haven't heard much about the academic stuff I do lately since I was in a bit of a waiting period. I had submitted an article to the American Journal of Physical Anthropology (henceforth the AJPA) and my dissertation to my committee. I've had some database creation projects which I'll be sure to share with you when they get more exciting, but my major academic project lately has been formatting my dissertation for submission to the graduate school, 12 point font, 1 inch margins with the exception of the left side which is 1.5 inch, page numbers beginning with the first page of the body of the work, and some very specific additional pages that must be added along with its abstract and acknowledgment sections. It's very exciting. I assure you.

I also started working on the PowerPoint for my public defense after a nightmare that I showed up without preparing one.

I heard back from the editor of the AJPA about the article I submitted in an email sent at 4:12. I'll start working on that just as soon as I finish the PowerPoint for my public defense. I'm a little excited about it.

What is it that I do? Depending upon the scale you're talking I either turn mummy skin into a liquid and then test it for parasitic infections, or I study how humans interact with their environments and how that influences their well being.

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