
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I was beginning to worry.

I meant to post a blog today about getting a life coach, but a bit of news has happened and I thought I would share it.

One of my favorite blogs mysteriously went post-less this weekend. They are in the process of redesigning a house so I thought maybe they were just a little too busy to post, but that's what they post about so I waited patiently for the next post to show up in my Google Reader. I'm an obsessive Reader reader and everything I need to know about the world shows up there every day. It really does save time when things you're interested in reading just show up like magic. Anywho, the point being there was a post this morning and this is what it said.

Hey there!

We moved our content over to Wordpress!

You can now find us here:

Well that explains it. Layla and Kevin are amazing and you should go check it out, even if you've seen their old blog.  It's even better.

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