
Thursday, October 14, 2010

I spaced on coming out day.

As the former vice president of the Queer Straight Alliance at K-State, I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I totally forgot about National Coming Out Day. It happens every October 11th so it's not like I have date variability to blame. You'd think my excitement at going to school that sends out a message like this would have helped me remember for the next ten days.

It is crucial for us all to educate ourselves, learn intervention strategies, engage in dialogue with others, and commit to end bigotry, shame, and harassment. We must protect and embrace all members of the Emory community and beyond, letting them know that they can live full, productive lives and openly embrace and express their sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression regardless of how they self-identify. Fortunately, Emory has many organizations and opportunities to get involved to create a positive future today. For a complete list of organizations and groups, please go to the LGBT Life website at

We must be courageous leaders to create an inclusive, affirming and accessible campus community. We must also celebrate all aspects of our identities.

YOU are Emory. WE are Emory.

It didn't. I just got too busy with my own life. I'm defending my dissertation next week and closing on a house a couple of weeks after that, but by God I am all about promoting happy human coexistence and love.

So happy belated Coming Out Day. Congratulations to everyone who has able to find the strength of character to be themselves and thank you to everyone who supported them.  

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