
Thursday, September 9, 2010


I'm working on a lot of projects right now.

That's pretty much standard for me. I think it keeps me from getting bored. I don't want you to get bored so I'll stick to the big ones.

1. Writing a blog.  Is that too obvious? 

2. Helping my husband with his beer blog.  In theory it's "our" beer blog, but lets be honest.  He likes beer a whole lot more than I do and I'm better as a sidekick than an equal partner in that whole deal.  Oh, and Sierra Nevada tweeted one of his posts the other day.  It's very exciting and you should read it too so he can become a professional beer blogger and spend his life hanging out with me and drinking beer.

3. Finishing my Ph.D. This is a big one. I'm in the 22nd grade at this point. Yep. I sure am. I've submitted my dissertation and I defend in October.  This one is about done, but I'm also applying for positions based on said degree so I'll be busy with this project for a while.

4. Buying a house.  Post yet to come. I'll save the gory details until then.

5. Training for a half marathon.  It's on November seventh.  My extended family decided it was a great idea at my wedding.  I've combined Hal Higdon's intermediate 5K and novice half marathon since I'm also training for the Run for Tomorrow 5K in my home town on Sept. 25th.

6. Learning to speak German.  I've been working on this project since my parents got me Rocket German for my birthday last year.  I tend to go in spurts, but I'm working on making the current spurt of learning last.

7. Training to be a Extension Master Gardener. I go to class every Friday for the next two months to learn more about gardening.  I'm very excited about it and I think they think I'm strange.

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